In honour of NATIONAL CHILDREN'S GARDENING WEEK, Golden Toad Theatre has commissioned this brand new colouring sheet from the illustrator of ERROL'S GARDEN: Gillian Hibbs! To enter the contest, print out this awesome colouring sheet (below), colour it in with crayons, pens, markers, or anything you like, and then post it #GoldenToadKids AND tag Golden Toad Theatre. WHO CAN ENTER? Kids 11 years and younger THE WINNER... will receive a signed copy of the book ERROL'S GARDEN, and a video message from author/illustrator Gillian Hibbs! We can't wait to see your colouring! CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE, PRINTABLE COLOURING SHEET
Do you like to write songs? Are you 11 years or younger? Why don't you enter our songwriting contest? The winner will have their song orchestrated by one of the composers of ERROL'S GARDEN: Jen Green. Jen is an amazing West End orchestrator, and she will take the winning song and create a backing track that you will love! If your song has lyrics (words), we will create a recording featuring a West End singer.
HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR SONG: Create a video (just a phone recording is fine) and ask your grownup to post it online #GoldenToadKids #KidsWriteSongs AND tag Golden Toad or email [email protected]. We can't wait to hear your songs! DIFFICULTY LEVEL: LOW Check out this awesome way to make a butterfly painting from Wildlife Watch! Send us your pictures! #GoldenToadKids Share your pics: #GoldenToadKids
Contributor: Wildlife Watch DIFFICULTY LEVEL: MEDIUM It's time to make a craft with our pressed flowers! If you missed the instructions for how to press your flowers, CLICK HERE. We love this awesome craft! You can use your decorated jar hold small things, or you can ask a grownup to put a tea candle inside. Keep it for yourself or make it a gift for someone special! YOU WILL NEED: any size glass jar (an old pasta sauce jar, jam jar, etc...) glue small-tipped paintbrush pressed flowers Next week we will have another craft idea for your pressed flowers, so save any extra flowers from this project, be sure to hang onto them!
Share your pics #GoldenToadKids Contributor: Golden Toad Theatre How many fabulous flowers and leaves can you find? We found all sorts amazing plants just outside our door and on our daily walk! An egg carton or any other container will be great for collecting your little wonders. Ask your grownup to help you look online to learn your plants' names! Our favourite plant from our collection is in the lower left corner and it's called "Lipstick" because it looks like kissing lips! We would love to see what you find! Share your pics #GoldenToadKids If you would like more of a challenge, see if you can find a plant of every colour in the rainbow, as well as something black, white and brown! CONTRIBUTOR: Golden Toad Theatre
Share your pics #GoldenToadKids Do you see what I see? These are no ordinary trees! We discovered these curious trees with faces while out on a walk. Would you like to make your own muddy tree faces? The Woodland Trust will tell you how to get started, see the info below! CONTRIBUTOR: Woodland Trust
Share your pics: #GoldenToadKids #NatureDetectives DIFFICULTY LEVEL: LOW-MEDIUM Would you like to make your own crazy garden insect? Our insect is sort of like a catapillar and sort of like a snail. What will yours look like? YOU WILL NEED: a number of bottle tops 3 pipe cleaners or something similar paper glue pen knife or large nail (to me used by your grownup) Contributor: Golden Toad Theatre
Share your pics #GoldenToadKids DIFFICULTY LEVEL: LOW There are all sorts of beautiful projects to be done using pressed flowers. This is the first part of a two part project. First we will press the flowers, then we will make something amazing with them in a few weeks time! YOU WILL NEED: books baking paper flowers Contributor: Golden Toad Theatre
Share your pics #GoldenToadKids |
Make a time capsule!